
Hello all! Welcome to Millerstyle Movie Review. What is Millerstyle Movie Review? It's a spot where I write my 2 cents on the latest movie I've watched.

Who am I? I am a huge movie geek! Whenever I finish watching a movie i dive into it. I search trivia and find FAQs on it so I can obtain as many details I can. Then I love to share the useless knowledge I've acquired with anyone who likes to listen. My family, friends, and co-workers seem to enjoy listening to me jabber endlessly on the subject and sometimes even come to me for recommendations. They also encouraged me to create this blog so I can share with the masses. I hope you find my reviews useful and humorous.

Please note: These are just my opinions, please take them or leave them. I have no formal education on the subject and this is just my amateur approach.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Never Back Down

Okay....so I had a couple days off in the past couple weeks.  I'm too broke to travel anywhere, so I raided my on demand and local red box and just watched movies.  Over the break I saw about 25 movies while I just chilled.

The first movie I came across in HBO on demand was "Never Back Down".......sigh!

Maybe they didn't realize whilst making this steaming pile that a Karate Kid reboot was already in progress.  Or maybe they just hoped that a mix of hot bodied men for the girls and plenty of fighting for the guys would sell.  Either way this movie is a disappointment.  It has a cookie cutter plot.  Boy moves to new school.  Surprise he has trouble fitting in!  They have bullies there???  Oh no!  I better find a sensei and learn how to fight!  I like the female lead Amber Heard for more than her obvious hot factor and I've loved Dijmon Hounsou since "Gladiator", but not as a down on his luck Mr. Miyagi type.  This movie does have fight after fight all in the new MMA style rather than our old corny crane kick, but it's not enough to put half naked men in a circle and have them fight.  We can get much more bang for our buck if we throw in "300" again.

Nothing original, no wow factor, nothing spectacular.  I give "Never Back Down" my second lowest rating of KEPT WATCHING, BUT NOT SURE WHY!

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