
Hello all! Welcome to Millerstyle Movie Review. What is Millerstyle Movie Review? It's a spot where I write my 2 cents on the latest movie I've watched.

Who am I? I am a huge movie geek! Whenever I finish watching a movie i dive into it. I search trivia and find FAQs on it so I can obtain as many details I can. Then I love to share the useless knowledge I've acquired with anyone who likes to listen. My family, friends, and co-workers seem to enjoy listening to me jabber endlessly on the subject and sometimes even come to me for recommendations. They also encouraged me to create this blog so I can share with the masses. I hope you find my reviews useful and humorous.

Please note: These are just my opinions, please take them or leave them. I have no formal education on the subject and this is just my amateur approach.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Piranha 3D

I love underwater horror movies. I've been a licensed diver for the past 22 years and always find it funny to watch how people react to something chasing them in the water. Most movies don't worry about nitrogen or any of the other real complications, so I usually find them pretty amusing. Being able to dismiss all of these movies from reality, no matter how good or bad (From "Jaws" to "Megashark Vs. Giant Octopus"), really gives me something to enjoy. It's not a scientific dissertation, it's a dumb movie. As long as you can put that hat on before entering the theater, then Piranha 3D is your movie!

The movie starts with some classic throw back to Jaws, the mother of all water based horror. The throw backs are less than subtle, and I'll just leave it at that. I don't want to spoil the surprise.

If you like tons of fun, ridiculous explanations, hot girls showing a lot of skin, and demonic little creatures then you've got to give this movie a chance. No matter what your brain is telling you. We are taken to a fictional lake that has an even bigger underwater lake beneath it under a thin later of rock. In this very large underwater lake prehistoric carnivorous fish have managed to thrive. All it takes is a tiny little earthquake to let these bad boys loose. Wouldn’t you know it! It happens right at the start of Spring Break! So the lake is packed with unsuspecting, totally wasted, half naked, yummy young adults!!! These things have a serious appetite and get more action than Jenna Jameson saw in her entire career. After all that bloody goodness we still get an ending that will leave you thirsting for part 2!

We all know this movie was shot in a 3D aspect ratio. It was really designed for it. So waiting for DVD, unless you own the newest 3D TV's/DVD players, is ill advised. Without the fish jumping at you, explosions, blood splattering, and 3D naked girls (of which there are plenty) this movie would lose some serious luster. So with all that said, I thought this movie was WORTH SEEING. As a radio personality in NY said "It's a fun movie, providing you can check your brain at the door". I totally agree.

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