
Hello all! Welcome to Millerstyle Movie Review. What is Millerstyle Movie Review? It's a spot where I write my 2 cents on the latest movie I've watched.

Who am I? I am a huge movie geek! Whenever I finish watching a movie i dive into it. I search trivia and find FAQs on it so I can obtain as many details I can. Then I love to share the useless knowledge I've acquired with anyone who likes to listen. My family, friends, and co-workers seem to enjoy listening to me jabber endlessly on the subject and sometimes even come to me for recommendations. They also encouraged me to create this blog so I can share with the masses. I hope you find my reviews useful and humorous.

Please note: These are just my opinions, please take them or leave them. I have no formal education on the subject and this is just my amateur approach.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Other Guys

I went to the theater on opening night to see a Will Ferrell movie?  Yes I did.  I need to thank my brother from another mother Steve for recommending this one.  He, like me, is not a huge Will Ferrell fan.  Although what saved it for him was Mark Wahlberg.  He's always watched every movie that involved this former Funky Buncher in hopes he'll take off his shirt, start curling some cinder blocks, and repeat "Feel the vibration!".  I am not however, a Marky Mark fan either.  Steve is my best friend and we more or less agree on a good flick, so I had to see based on his high recommendations.

Upon getting there and starting the movie I noticed a few things.  Firstly, I was laughing.  UNcontrollably!  Secondarily, I noticed that this isn't a Will Ferrel movie.  I mean he is one of the main roles, but it's not like "Anchorman" or any other Will Ferrel movie as of late.  This one brings it back to "Old School" or "Night at the Roxbury" days.  Before the dark times.  Before the Empire.  Where Will Ferrel is present, but not the main focus.

It's your basic buddy cop movie, but a 1000% times funnier.  The timing, the dialog, the storyline, and the action all fit together wonderfully to create a comedy so funny it literally gets you laughing from start to finish.  It's hard not to write spoilers here.  The movie was full of punch lines that delivered, but most would give away some plot points so I'll not quote any here.  Except one, Mark Wahlberg equates riding in a Toyota Prius to "Literally like riding in a vagina."  I'm not sure who's idea it was to put these two together, but they play off each other like they've been at it for years.  Which I'm sure was the idea, but I think I had the same misgivings as everyone else who is unsure whether or not they'll enjoy this movie.  My advice, it's an AWESOME movie.  It restores my faith in comedy!  Throw caution to the wind and buy a ticket.  You won't be disappointed.  "Gatah needs his gat!"

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